Friday, June 18, 2004

WWE: Come on now.


SO I turn on the TV yesterday, and what do I see? WWE Smackdown!. More to the point, JBL, otherwise known as John Bradshaw Layfield. He's spouting off and ranting about CNBC, Americans, Mexicans, Indians, just about everyone. In fact, he even goes so far as to say that it's Americans "that are wrong with America". Well, that's funny Mr. Layfield, and you're saying this why? Because you got fired from a syndicated show that was making you money? No. Because you're upset at the fact that you just can't lose the gut? No. It's because you're starting to finally realize that you're not what you thought you were. You're not a true athlete; you're a joke of yourself. And before some of the anti-wrestling people come on talking about how it's fake, it's not. It's scripted. Scripted is NOT faking. It's predetermining the outcome. What he said in that interview was not scripted. I strongly doubt Vince McMahon would have told him to go out and bash America. He would have said, "go out there and say something that will get people talking about us", and 'JBL' took it from there.

As entertained as I was watching Smackdown, I find it very sad that this is what the industry called "sports entertainment" has come to. A tired man with a beer belly complaining because he got fired from a show he had no business on in the first place.