Tuesday, April 29, 2008

10 Things: Issue #4

10 Things I Hate About Being 30

1. Seems like you get sick easier, and for a longer time.
2. Girls in their 20's think you're too old.
3. Girls in their 30's almost allways have a kid to worry about.
4. Things you enjoyed just 5 years ago are not as fun now.
5. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you really don't look any older.
6. Hair loss.
7. You almost always feel like sleeping.
8. The friends you had when you were younger are still doing nothing with their lives.
9. The only real place to meet someone is at work...a bad move.
10. Gray hairs.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

10 Things, Issue #3

~ 10 Things I Hate About San Diego, California ~

  1. The home prices.
  2. The gas prices.
  3. The sales tax.
  4. The state tax.
  5. The property tax.
  6. The Mello-Roos.
  7. The home owners associations, their Draconian rules and blatant fees.
  8. The fact that almost every employer wants to pay at the minimum wage level or hiring substandard talent (i.e. illegal immigrants), or they want a 4 year degree to do basic work such as Executive Assistant.
  9. The gang exposure, including cholos and wannabes.
  10. The fact that nobody out here seems to know how to drive properly. Everyone is always balancing a cell phone to their ear, hanging nasty cigarettes out the window, or driving illegally...which of course just encourages the city to put up radars, speed traps, and cameras.

Friday, April 25, 2008

10 Things: Issue #2

~ 10 Things I Hate About Females ~
  1. If you tell them the truth, they think you're lying. If you lie, they get mad.
  2. 90% of females are not ambitious, settling instead for that cozy job at KFC rather than getting a good paying office job - because they don't really want to work for money. Why work for it when you can just find a rich boyfriend who's stupid enough to pay your bills?
  3. Every female is looking for a model-looking man, rather than accepting the fact that what really attracts two people is not the outside, but the personality.
  4. Females don't really understand #3 until they've had at least one kid and been left by at least one guy they either married or nearly married...then they're open to finding a "Nice guy". But by then it's too late. Most men don't want to deal with someone who had someone else's kids, especially if that dude was a jackass and she knew it going in and didn't care.
  5. Females are content to just have a male friend or boyfriend drive them everywhere, rather than paying attention to #2 and getting a car of their own (and no, not one your parents bought for you).
  6. Females think it's okay to have 40 million male friends and no female friends because "Females are jealous"...even though it's well known that the reason they have male friends is the fact that it gives them options if they get "Hot" and "Bothered" without the bothersome commitment that goes along with.
  7. Cute females must always have a fat, unattractive friend. That way they look even better.
  8. Females never take solo pictures. There always has to be (1) an ex boyfriend, (2) a group of ex boyfriends or (3) at least one female friend. Guess what, we don't care about any of them.
  9. Females always claim to want a guy who is "family oriented". Yet when they find a guy that is, they call him a "momma's boy". Hasn't happened to me, but I know quite a few it has happened to.
  10. For some reason females are okay living at home until they're 30 because they're close with Mommy. Get off your butt, heed #2 and get your own place.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

10 Things: Issue #1

Ok folks, here it is...the beginning of an era, to be sure.

Called "10 Things" it is simply that...multiplied X number of times to create an ongoing list of things that really bother me. I figured I would start out with some things off the top of my head, and see where it goes. Let's see if I can avoid overlap without thinking about it.

By the way, there is no priority order of the list; they're all equal in the eyes of whatever deity you praise.

~10 Things I Hate About My Job~
  1. The fact that we have one upper manager (Director, Vice President, Senior Vice President, or "C" Level Executive) for every 10 employees.
  2. The fact that we decided to change to biweekly pay to save money, yet we've downsized employees so much that the cost isn't there anymore, yet we don't go back to weekly pay.
  3. The fact that 401k is only matched 50% of the first 6% contributed.
  4. The fact that single employees with no children have to pay for medical benefits (we didn't before).
  5. The fact that people who get the promotions get them because they complain for it, not because they earn it and are acknowledged.
  6. The location (nowhere near a major freeway)
  7. The changes in the industry and credit markets which make job security almost null and void.
  8. Being forced to tell people what to do, only to have them not listen to me, and I can't do anything about it.
  9. The Draconian way the company is managed (you can't use your PTO whenever you want, etc)
  10. The fact that certain people will ask for a raise and get it, then quit...resulting in a total waste of money and illogical approval condition.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

OK so it's been a while.

I have a good reason. I really do.

One thing to note about me: I'm always doing something, even when I'm not. What does that mean? It means I expect a certain quality of life, and I work very hard to get to that point, even if I'm just sitting at home. To those that don't know, the Internet is a very powerful tool indeed, when used properly. It can make a person's life better...or worse, depending on how you use it. I use it to improve my quality of life, and someday I plan to use it to get even higher in status.

But enough about that. I promise to keep up with the blog, I really do. When I get a network card for my laptop, it'll be a lot easier to do this..

I had a bright idea for some postings that will be coming in the near-to-far future. If you've ever seen Monk, there's an episode where he's asked to name all of the things he's afraid of, and he goes on and on and on...seemingly unending list of fears....well my list of pet peeves is just as long. Instead of a long boring list, I figured I would segment them out by subject. Should be fun...coming soon.

Now, what's new with me? Well....

- I bought a new car, a shiny Sebring convertible, Limited edition (of course). This was in February. I actually only bought it because my other car was starting to have idle issues, so I figured, instead of wasting money fixing it, why not just buy a new(er) one? I'm paying more money for this car.

- I've got a bid in on a custom built house with all the trimmings. Very nice house it is, and I really hope the bid is accepted, because I just love it. If it's not accepted I'll be somewhat upset, because the houses I'd have to settle for are nowhere near as nice and would require significant work to get up to the specs I desire. Regardless of which house though, my mortgage payment would be less per month than I pay right now in rent payments. Sad, isn't it?

- I got approved to refinance the above car with a better term. It's 72 months, I believe....whereas this one is 48 months. Same monthly payment, just two less years worth of interest I'm paying, lower interest rate, and a better overall financing company. Not only will I save on interest, but also payment method...the current company only takes paper checks and no electronic payments.

- I bought a platform bed and matching nightstand. I haven't put the bed together yet as I figured I would be moving soon anyway, and would just assemble it at the new place. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be at my current place for at least another month, meanwhile my back is killing me due to the precarious type of bed I have now - a metal frame under a memory foam mattress. Not comfortable, I assure you.

So yeah, I've been busy and still going. I really want to get a equity line of credit, consolidate all of my bills (including the car) and pay them all off, then just pay down the credit line over time. Dunno if that'll fly, but that's my goal.

Tune in next time as I begin the "Pet Peeve Encyclopedia".