I have to be cleared out and on the road no later than 12/30. Unfortunately, today and tomorrow, and Monday for most companies, are holidays including mine. That means (good) I have some extra time where I don't have to work. It also means (bad) that I don't have access to the companies that I require to assist me. Being single, I'm on my own with most of this stuff, and I'm going to need to get with the program.
So far:
- The kitchen is all packed and ready to go, except for some paperwork that isn't kitchen related.
- The patio is free of all items including the cable and dish that were left out there when I canceled.
- All known garbage has been removed. There may be some papers that I don't have to keep throughout the place.
- The garage has been cleaned and swept; I have a lot of tools and detailer stuff that were always in the crates, so functionally the garage is ready to go.
- Return the work phone. Can't do that until Thursday. I have to forward it to my replacement who I am training all next week.
- Finish CRM updates, this will take time because I can't do it while training.
- I found a local USB drive that I can use to give them the demo software. I need to make that available to them somehow.
- Need to contact the mover that gave me the lowest quote and see if he can still meet the timeline he quoted (1/7) for delivery. What it unfortunately means is that I won't have any furniture - including a bed - when I arrive. I have a plan for that.
- Need to forward USPS from two addresses, one is the primary, one is a mailbox facility. That has to take effect as soon as I get the new address which is likely not to happen until Monday. Then I can update USPS.
- Need to update billing addresses across the board. There are a LOT of accounts.
- Need to sever SDG&E service likely after the new year.
- Need to see if Verizon Wireless has to change the cell # when the service address changes. Don't really care if they do - only one person has that number and they have an alternate they can use in the meantime.
- Pack up the Thunderbolt Display from work, I'll likely do that on Wednesday so that I don't have much to pack Thursday.
- Box up the iMac and the two MacBooks.
- Find a home for my stereo system and its speakers/stands. I will have to buy some speaker wire when I get there and re-think that layout because of the way the fireplace is in the new unit.
- Box up all media including software, DVDs, etc.
- Clear out crates and re-use them for all of my electronic stuff.
- Figure out how much I can cram into the Altima. I intend to take everything that's valuable myself, and let the movers take stuff that I don't really care much about.
- I will likely just buy a bed after I get there. There is a place that has a really nice one and I need a new one anyway. Haven't had a foundation or frame in over 6 years.
- Submit "holdover" payments to all of my credit cards to make sure they're settled.
- Open an account at a new bank locally. Citibank has no branches in that area which boggles my mind; neither does USAA which is my fallback bank. The only "big" banks out there have all screwed me over at one point or another.
- Deposit final check(s) here before I leave - that's if I get them before I leave. If I don't, I have to go to Sacramento to reach a branch which is not a happy idea. My final check should be substantial enough to hold me over until my first paycheck.
- I have to decide what I will do with the 401k. If I roll it over I avoid taxation. But I don't know how that tax law applies after I'm out of California. I assume I would only owe Fed tax, but I need to confirm. I also would prefer to have at least limited access to the funds should I run into any sticking points with the relocation.
- Return the work computer to Joe Cravo. He can decide what he feels should be done with it - it's a powerful machine that should be put to good use.
- Figure out auto insurance lapse; Wawanesa only covers California and Oregon, not Washington, so I likely will not be able to use them for coverage anymore which is unfortunate - they have given me the best price of anyone. Allstate claims they can beat the price, but if I have to work with that chick it's not happening. My new company happens to be an insurance provider and may give me better pricing, but I'm debating whether to have my personal information accessible in that manner.
- Transfer Renters Insurance policy; I can do this online via Allstate but they need to know information about the new place, so I may not be able to do it until after the new year.
- Cancel all California registrations - business registration, vehicle registration, voter registration, etc. They will likely send me a jury duty notice next year, which I have an excuse (not a California resident).
- Research winter vehicle care. The Altima that I have, as I understand, is sold specifically in California because it meets California emissions standards. But I don't know whether it's designed to handle the different conditions in Washington state. Have to look into that.
- Research travel conditions when I get there. I need to familiarize myself with the drive and the freeway system. I plan to do that on 1/2 if I can make everything else work out. If I don't get everything done as far as the packing and moving go, it means I will be forced to come back down here again which I am not looking forward to.
- I may stay in a hotel the first week I get there, just because I won't have any furniture or anything. Still on the fence about that because it's another $700 that I would rather not have to spend.
Whew! What a list. If I can't get everything done in one shot then I may just have to do two trips.