Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm back!


So I've been MIA for a long time. Truth be told, I ran out of things to talk about, but then I realized that the blog itself isn't to satisfy my own need to write a journal. Rather, it should be used as an outlet to share the things I'm thinking about every day, which is exactly what I wasn't doing. Given the fact that I think constantly about all sorts of random things, this is the perfect time for me to revive my poor blog that has been so neglected for so very long.

This is the first Christmas where I've bought gifts for someone other than myself. I mean I've bought gifts for others but it was more out of obligation - they'd buy me something so I would feel as though I owed them a gift. This time was different.

Recently I've discovered that I actually don't have very many friends, I mean I have a very select few that I can call "friends", but most of the others are just acquaintances; people I'm aware of and even cordial to, but I can't call them "friends" per se. Of these, three are female, all very sexy, and I think about them constantly. But I wouldn't ever push up on them. One is married, one seems to not be attracted to anyone but her supermodel boyfriend, and the other...well...she doesn't seem to want to deal with guys in that way anymore. I guess she's been hurt. The irony is, I'm more attracted to her than anyone else right now. I can't stop thinking about her. *sigh*.

So here's how my Christmas went:

Bought myself a bunch of presents in November. Still bought even more gifts for myself in December. Bought some gift cards as presents for some folks. Bought a coffee brewer for a co-worker for no apparent reason other than the fact that I felt she could benefit from quality tea and coffee. Gave an acquaintance of mine the LCD flat panel that's been sitting unused in my living room (I'd sold him another one previously, but somehow he broke it). Gave my mother a computer that I bought. Found out that one of my front fang teeth broke at the midpoint. Yes, I said I have a gaping hole in my mouth. There's no pain and it's not bleeding, but there's a stump there and it's really unattractive to look at my teeth.

Fun, right?

So let's summarize:
  • I spent way too much money on myself.
  • I spent way too much money on gifts for people I'm fairly certain don't truly appreciate them.
  • I'm obsessed with a female friend who doesn't want to have anything to do with men because of some jackass who didn't know what he had.
  • I fantasize about all of my female friends, especially considering two of them like to wear shirts that show major cleavage - and both have D-size breasts.
  • I have a gaping hole in my teeth that I can't do anything about.
Any questions?

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