NOTE: This is a migrated blog posting.
A new day, a new blog category. Personal thoughts, feelings, opinions, whatever...just information I felt like sharing.
I'm going to work in reverse order, starting with today.
The boss - Senior VP - had informed us previously that she noticed certain concerns about attendance from the team. Likely not me, since it's next to impossible for me to take PTO. Anyway, my colleague took the day I was pretty much on my own. I was called upon to assist in some projects, meanwhile I had my own tasks that needed to be completed (I fell behind due to the additional tasks that I've been asked to join in on). Meanwhile, I'm (re) training a co-worker from another department on our current solution that I administer - he's a standup guy, I know it'll be in good hands - but it was another task to do today.
Once I got past all of that, and came home, I ate my food, then shortly thereafter, I began to feel ill. Nauseous, just "ill". As though I'd just gotten off a 3-day cruise or something (I get seasick). To be honest I've felt a general "ill" feeling for about three weeks now. Part of that is due to the heat - I'm absolutely intolerate of sweltering heat (Anything over 20 degrees Celsius, basically). Part was my bed - I'll never own a memory foam mattress again, basically. The other part...I don't know. Thank goodness for GABA or I'd never get sleep.
So now I'm up at 9pm, watching Law & Order, and still feeling ill. My stomach isn't upset, but it feels like I've got some indigestion. That could have caused my nausea; not sure. I have a very picky stomach; one day I can pig out on things, the next they make me sick, then I can go back to eating them again.
Oh well. Time to find out if el cuerpo humano can self heal.
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